Diversity Information
Philcox Gray prides itself on its commitment to equality and diversity in staff recruitment and of course its approach to clients and other third parties.
We are required by the SRA to request information about the diversity of our staff on a regular basis. The survey is voluntary, and staff have the option to remain anonymous and/or not to provide the information.
The most recent (2019) survey confirmed the following (all percentages are rounded up or down, and the totals reflect the fact that some people declined to provide the information):-
In terms of gender, the staff is 70% female to 30% male
The age of the staff breaks down as follows:-
- 16-24 – 8%
- 25-34 – 25%
- 35-44 – 1%
- 45-54 – 17%
- 55-64 – 25%
- 65+ – 8%
4% of staff has a disability according to the definition in the Equality Act 2010, and the day to day activities of 8% of staff are limited because of a health problem or disability.
The breakdown of ethnic group is as follows:-
- Asian / Asian British – 4%
- Black / Black British – 25%
- Mixed / multiple ethnic groups – 8%
- White British / any other White background – 54
In relation to education
- 12.5% of staff attended selective state school
- 50% of staff attended non-selective state school
- 8% of staff attended an independent / fee paying school
- 16% of staff attended school outside the UK
In relation to social mobility, the breakdown of staff is as follows:-
- 41% have a parent with degree level qualification,
- 16% have a parent with qualifications below degree level
- 16% have a parent with no formal qualifications
- 29% have a parent with a professional occupation.
- 8% have a parent with a job as senior manager or administrator
- 12.5% have a parent with a technical or craft occupation
- 8% have a parent with a manual occupation
- 8% have a parent with a traditional professional occupation
In relation to caring responsibilities, 16% of our staff are the primary carer for a child / children under the age of 18, and 7% of staff care for someone with long term physical or mental ill health.
The Directors
June 2019