Isabelle Le Gentil represented a young mother within care proceedings. The mother, who was herself a minor, and her baby had been placed in two mother and baby foster placements pre-proceedings. The placements broke down due to a number of reasons. The mother had asked the local authority to be moved from the placement. Mother had explained to the local authority the reasons why the previous foster placements had broken down but the local authority did not seem to accept her reasons and decided to issue care proceedings. The local authority however agreed to move the mother and her baby to another mother and baby foster placement.
The local authority did not issue care proceedings until two months after the mother and her baby moved to the new mother and baby foster placement. By then it was clear that mother had engaged very well in the current mother and baby foster placement and both mother and baby were settled there. Mother was happy to remain at the mother and baby foster placement. The local authority were seeking additional assessments of mother; these were however opposed by both the mother and the children’s guardian. In light of this, the local authority decided to withdraw their application for a Care Order.
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